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Is It Time To Get Replacement Windows? | Hawaii

Is It Time To Get Replacement Windows? | Hawaii

Photo By monkeybusinessimages at istock

Properly maintained windows and high-quality windows can last 20 years and more. They can make your home a lot warmer in extreme weather conditions especially during the winter and help you save on energy bills. However, these windows do not last forever. When they are more than a decade-old, you will need to check their condition from time to time to see whether they need either repair or you need new windows.

Do they still provide you with the same comfort they did years ago? You will need to check for signs whether your windows need repair or if you need replacement windows in Hawaii.

Signs You Need Replacement Windows

What type of windows are installed in your homes? If you have low-quality windows, that may be really prone to leaks. You will need to contact a professional for replacement windows. It’s always better to have high-quality windows as you can save energy and you will be more comfortable.

Below are signs to watch out for whether you need replacement windows or not:

1. Windows Damaged by Water Infiltration

This is one sign that you need replacement windows. When you don’t let a professional check this, it will even lead to more problems down the road, especially during the winter. It’s not going to provide you with the warmth that you need during the season. Also, they may spread and affect even your wall structures.

It is always best to contact a professional for either repair or replacement windows. Consider Sunburst Windows as they have been in the window repair and replacement of windows for several years. They can definitely provide you with the best solutions to your window problems.

2. You Have High Utility Bills

If you have older windows and maybe low-quality windows, the heat produced by your furnace during the winter or the cool air from your air conditioner during the summer, will only be put to waste. You won’t be able to maximize them. Instead, you will get higher energy bills for not getting replacement windows when you need to.

When you are constantly getting higher bills, it may be time to get your windows replaced. Talk to a professional about this so they can assist you better.

3. Windows Don’t Open or Close Immediately

From time to time, you will need to check your windows if they still work well. Try to open and close them. If it requires a lot of pressure or force on your part to open them, there may be something wrong with your windows. Talk to a professional so they can check if your windows only need repair or replacement.

4. You Are Renovating Your Home

Apart from providing you with natural light, windows can also add to the overall appeal of your home. Sometimes, it can even make or break your home. If they look worn out, your home will look worn out as well. They are prominent features that you should consider when you are making a home makeover.

Check whether the colors of your windows have faded or if the material is warping. You may also consider getting another type of window, depending on how you would be renovating your home. Talk to a professional so they can give you better solutions.

5. After a Severe Storm

Living near the coast can do damage to your windows especially the effects of humidity, winds and sea salt. Also, if you live in an area prone to typhoons or hurricanes, your windows may be damaged.

It’s important that you schedule with a professional so they can check your windows and advise you on what to do after. Depending on the severity of the problem, they may either ask you to get window repairs or replacement windows.

Should You Get Window Repairs Instead?

Stand close to your windows and feel whether that area is a lot cooler compared to the other areas in your home. Feel the glass if it’s cold or not. You can also use a candle and try to hold it by the window. When the smoke moves, it could be because of window drafts. You will need to seal all those holes. Otherwise, heat will escape and you will have higher bills. Have a professional in Hawaii inspect your windows to check if you can still have it repaired.

When the frames are still in good shape and you only have a leakage issue, it may still be possible to just have them repaired. That is suitable when you still have newer windows. With air tightness — that is when the air doesn’t move through the glass, it’s leaking around your old seals and maybe between the opening and the frames too. Get a professional so they can have them repaired.

Getting Energy-Efficient Windows

Energy-efficient windows not only reduce your carbon footprints, but they can also help lower down your heating bills. Also, they will keep your home warmer. Talk to a professional if you want to know more about the benefits of energy-efficient windows. Always call a professional like Sunburst Windows for the proper installation of your windows.

Contact Sunburst Windows

Do you need replacement windows? Call Sunburst Windows today so we can assist you with your window needs. We are a family-owned business with 35 years of experience in the industry. It’s our commitment to provide only superior window installation, repairs and expertise to all of our clients. We work with different types of windows as well as door replacements.

We always go the extra mile for our customers! It’s our goal to provide them with great service! Call us today for an appointment!


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#3207 Kailua, HI 96734


M–F 8:30AM–4:30PM
Sat by Appt. Only

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